Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Useful Web Sites

Even though NECC finished a few weeks ago, I still reflect on what I learned from attending the sessions. We want to equip students with 21st century skills, to become problem solvers and content creators, but what does this mean outside of the classroom?

Young people use technology differently than I do. My daughters go to the Internet to find directions for train/bus routes, order movie tickets or clothes, etc. They stay in touch with their friends through text messaging and social networks such as Facebook.

Question: How do you go from Midtown(NYC) to the Brooklyn Bridge using public transportation?

Find the answer on HopStop.com
Currently this site has schedules available for the following cities: Boston, Chicago, New York City or Washington D.C.

Go to Google Maps (in selected cities) to plan your next train/bus ride online.
  • Get step-by-step transit directions
  • View station schedules

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